Just Jam. Just Right.

by ckburnam

This summer I decided to take the abundant fig supply in my backyard as a chance to start my mission of creating ethical edibles. However after days of  “jamming” I realized I had more jam than I knew what to do with. So I have opened an Etsy shop to sell jam sweetened with fair trade sugar, something I realized is not abundantly available in the US. I’ve called my shop, JustJam. JustRight.  The English teacher within me just can’t stay away from plays on words. I’m hoping the proceeds will help cushion the costs for my husband and I to attend the Global Forum on Human Trafficking (can’t wait to report back about it!) The jam is quite delicious if I do say so myself, it’s not overly sweet and it really highlights the natural flavors. I hope any of you who try it really enjoy being able to sweeten your toast with something with a sweet history.

Check it out here.